Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Sorority Princesses

I was cleaning the 20 gallon sorority tank this past evening and I got a look at all my girls in one place.

From Upper let to right:

* Mariana(dark blue/ black CT),

*Kalia (Big steel blue HM, behind cherry),

*Cherry (red vt)

*Katina (cellophane with aqua tips),

*Honey (next to Katina light blue vt),

*Tiki (the smallest cellophane girl with aqua tips CT),

* Onyx (on the far upper right next to the plant)

and not shown Ariane (who is nicknamed the coelacanth)

I sat there for a moment and watched my girls as the tank drained. Who would know how much love you have, until you see the object of your affection in front of you. I am proud of these wonderful girls, some are rescues, while others were purchased. Either way having a sorority of nine girls who can co exist with each other in peace is wonderful to have. Well they have lots of silk plants at different levels of the tank, I also have some caves all different shapes and sizes. Its better to give them alot of space for them to pick and choose their territory without killing each other. I started out with 5 girls together which is always a good thing because starting a sorority of more than 4 girls, it spreads out the aggression between them, and eventually they will ignore each other or even hang out. I had two females cherry and Lemmy (rip) who would always follow each other around the tnak, i never saw one without the other. Well It was a sight to see.

Sadly I must go now I promise to write more later.