After sitting down and reviewing many things over, I decided to retry spawning my Betta's. The lucky couple is Tillikum and Taima. The irony of it all is Tillikum and Taima are two orcas at Sea World Orlando and they have had many kids. So hopefully this spawn survives. As I type there is a huge thunderstorm passing through. I'm watching as Tillikum courting Taima in her side of the tank. Taima is a Crowntail female and Tillikum is a halfmoon rosetail betta. I brought Taima four days ago and ever since i placed her into the tank divided with Tillikum on the other side she's been doing nothing but watching him.
He's taken a liking to her too as he's been flaring at her showing off his fins and making little movements here and there that shows he is interested in her. Tillikum has recently made a bubblenest which is pretty impressive. I am of course going to wait till Taima is full of eggs before I let her into the tank. As I already have the Cultures set up and im trying to make sure mistakes do not repeat themselves. But one cant control what nature has in mind.
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